Clipsal HomeMinder - Repairs, Replacement & Servicing
Clipsal Australia no longer manufactures, nor do they support the Clipsal HomeMinder system.
If you would like a quotation to replace the system with a new serviceable system, please contact us to arrange a quote or site visit/inspection.
We can supply and install a new system with the same functionality that you are used to, including Mawson Lakes encumbrance systems.
- Lighting ON/OFF with Arm/Disarm
- Irrigation control
- Remote Control keyfobs
- Garage Door Open/Close
- Smoke Detector connection etc.
Contact us for more information ....Call Vision Living (08) 8272 8546
If your system requires only a battery change (should be done every 2-3 years) ...Call Vision Living.
Rates: $168 Includes call out, battery replacement. (Adelaide Metropolitan Areas only)
Ph: (08) 8272 8546